Graduate Start-ups and Entrepreneurs

The enterprise offer within the University of Liverpool’s Careers and Employability Directorate provides all students and recent graduates the opportunity to contribute to the creation, survival and/or growth of a business.

Enterprise and entrepreneurship are a key part of our graduate employability offer. We have increased the amount of in-curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular real-world challenges and interdisciplinary enterprise opportunities.

The University now has a vibrant community of entrepreneurs with an ecosystem of support within the Liverpool City Region (LCR), regionally and nationally. The core start-up offer ‘Design Your Future’ is in collaboration with Santander who provide £10,000 worth of prizes and an additional £5k seed funding to start-ups. This includes a variety of activities ranging from a 10-week business development programme (227 students participated this year) workshops, specialist skills development, The Enterprise Fund, Showcase events and more.

The University was recognised for achievements within the area of start-up, growth and scale up at the International Enterprise Educators Conference and delivered a partnership European Regional Development Fund Project ‘LCR Founders’ with Liverpool John Moores University.

Read our spotlight case studies below and more about Careers and Employability here.

Enterprise case study: Moises Barbera Ramos – Drill Surgeries

Moises Barbera Ramos is the University of Liverpool’s award-winning entrepreneur, enterprise fund recipient and founder of Drill Surgeries, a vibrant start-up in the medical device industry driven to improve Intramedullary Nailing surgeries worldwide.

Moises and his team have developed a fully working prototype of their non-invasive medical device powered through Artificial Intelligence (AI) to guide surgeons during trauma surgeries accurately and without radiation. The prototype has been successfully tested on mannequins by international surgeons.

Moises has shown uninterrupted passion on the field of entrepreneurship, founding Drill Surgeries whilst studying at the University in 2019. Moises overcame the barriers of studying a complex degree programme (Masters in Physics) while striving to grow his start-up developing non-invasive medical devices powered through Artificial Intelligence in one of the most diverse and innovative sectors.

Since 2021, with the support of Liverpool Interns and The Enterprise Fund, Moises has offered work experience for a full month to a team of students from the School of Life Sciences coming from underrepresented backgrounds to support their accessibility to this competitive job market.

Moises has also worked with other organizations like Liverpool John Moores University, Made Smarter, Agent Academy and the Liverpool City Council to provide job opportunities to young individuals, offering one full-time position, three internships and two work experiences (one for a student of the Agent Academy initiative and another work experience to a group of five BAME students from the School of Life Sciences as part of the Enterprise Challenge initiative). In total, Moises has directly and positively impacted the lives and career development of at least 10 individuals in the Liverpool City Region (LCR)*. Moises has participated in panel talks and keynote speeches about MedTech and attended careers fairs providing first-hand insights to hundreds of students about his work and entrepreneurial experiences in healthcare and the medical technology industry. As part of the pay-it-forward ethos in our entrepreneurial community at University of Liverpool, Moises also delivers a session on pitching and presenting as a guest speaker for the HEAR-credited Design Your Future 10-week business development programme, which has now been successfully running for two years.

Contact details

Enterprise case study: Alex Shakeshaft – Enturi 

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges that humanity faces. That means that developing transformative technologies that can support the net-zero transition is one of the biggest economic opportunities. 

Enturi is a new company that is seeking to establish itself in this market, delivering economic and environmental benefits. The Liverpool City Region-based start-up has 
developed a ground-breaking portable wind powered distributed energy system that is set to deliver significant contributions towards a lower carbon future. Co-founded by former University of Liverpool student, Alex Shakeshaft, Enturi is focused on rapidly deploying and generating accessible off-grid green energy supplies with a particular 
focus on the maritime industry. Enturi’s pioneering and patented turbines are integrated into portable, decentralised energy storage vessels, supported by a secure IoT system for data visibility and interoperability.

The solution could be transformative for the maritime industry which often requires power in areas that are not supported by existing grid infrastructure. These next-generation wind energy systems are an off-grid solution that generates and stores renewable energy - serving as a charging hub for electric vehicles, lighting 
systems, and powering light industrial processes. 

With the capacity to generate >£60,000 of clean energy annually per 10-turbine system, Enturi is not just a game-changer for energy cost reduction but also a significant contributor to reducing carbon emissions, mitigating >80,000kg of CO2e per system per annum by transitioning energy use away from the fossil fuel mix of the 
national grid to locally generated clean energy.

Enturi’s vision to diversify green energy supplies aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), addressing not only the urgent need for cleaner energy but also providing a roadmap for industries looking to embrace sustainability.
Co-founder and CEO: Alex Shakeshaft. BEng Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (2020), MSc Masters in Management (2021), and Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellow (2023).

Contact details: Enturi Solutions Ltd

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