
SenseAI is a ground-breaking innovation developed by world-leading experts in electron microscopy at the University of Liverpool. It is harnessing the power of advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to change the way that images are captured and analysed.

A wide range of industries need to understand images – from doctors delivering lifesaving treatments to CCTV providers working to keep the public safe to electron microscopy looking to discover new drugs and therapies.

But they face significant challenges. Modern imaging devices are increasingly sophisticated but they also generate a deluge of data and require significant user expertise as well as IT resources to process and utilise the information. That is where AI can help. By integrating AI into every step of the imaging process users can quickly capture images and understand precisely what is being shown.

The innovation works by generating the same high-quality images but using less data. In fact, SenseAI’s proprietary technology can generate the same high-quality images and video feeds with up to 100x less data. This is not only less expensive, but also much quicker. In an area like medical imaging that is not simply more convenient for patients. It also allows faster treatments, potentially saving lives. There are a host of other uses too across industry. In electron microscopy, a lower dose means that the delicate samples are also not damaged by the beam itself, resulting in better, faster research.

SenseAI’s cutting-edge ‘compressive sensing’ software massively speeds up imaging of all kinds in many industries – electron microscopy, medical imaging, satellites, CCTV, and more. This can revolutionise the way we process imaging, saving time and money

SenseAI partnered with Quantum Detectors, a preeminent provider of direct detectors for electron microscopy, to co-launch the first of its kind product also called ‘SenseAI’ at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Conference in Minneapolis, July 2023. This partnership enables SenseAI’s software to be implemented on any brand of microscope using the Quantum Detectors Scan Engine. Read more about the partnership here.

SenseAI’s complete acquisition and processing software package is the culmination of decades of academic research into overcoming the speed and beam damage limitations of state-of-the-art electron microscopy. A key part of SenseAI’s innovation is the multiple frames per second image reconstruction speed that overcomes many of the practical barriers to microscope usage - taking complete solutions from the current days or weeks or months to real-time during a single active microscope session. I am looking forward to SenseAI’s vision of democratising microscopy access and use; and making analysis quicker and easier for everyone.

Professor Nigel Browning, Co-founder and CSO of SenseAI.

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