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Commercialising research

Our commercialisation team protects and exploits the University’s intellectual property, generated through its research, helping to maximise the economic, commercial and societal impact of that research.

The University places importance on supporting academics through the process of commercialising their research. This is evidenced through the University’s Enterprise Investment Fund (EIF), a significant annual fund which is dedicated to supporting commercialisation projects. Funding is available for staff to de-risk technologies developed at the University, ideally following validation via other internal Proof of Concept funds (e.g. UKRI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) funding), and provide start-up investment to our spin-out companies.

Through our partnership with the NxNW consortium, our academics can access external accelerator programmes, such as the Innovate UK funded Innovation-to-Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe) Discovery and Explore schemes.