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Liverpool City Region Life Sciences Investment Zone

The University of Liverpool is a playing a key role in the Liverpool City Region (LCR) Life Sciences Investment Zone, led by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA).

The LCR is England’s second Investment Zone, focused on Life Sciences. The vision is to facilitate a step change in the investment, collaboration and delivery of public health interventions. It will focus on infectious disease, mental health, data and materials science, sustaining a hotbed of research and innovation resulting in highly productive businesses supporting the NHS to improve the health and well-being outcomes for people across LCR and the UK.

The Investment Zone will run for 10 years and has the potential to deliver £800m of public and private investment, supercharging the Region’s economy, creating 8,000 new jobs and saving lives across the world.

The region’s Life Sciences Investment Zone plans are detailed in a new Prospectus highlighting the area’s world leading innovation strengths and assets – find the prospectus here.

Investment Zone projects will also provide business and innovation support, and new skills and talent programmes for local people to aid workforce creation and recruitment. Social value, net zero and equality, diversity and inclusion will be important considerations in project development.

The Investment Zone plans were developed in collaboration with the city region’s life sciences sector, with the University of Liverpool playing a major role. Read more about the University of Liverpool’s Investment Zone Projects below: