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Dr. Heike Arnolds is a spectroscopist focussing on understanding protein-surface interactions and protein conformation from IR, Raman, SERS, fluorescence and sum-frequecy spectroscopy.
After an MSc on high-temperature superconductors in Oxford and her doctorate on Fourier Transform NMR on surfaces at the Department of Physics, Phillips-Universität Marburg, she started research in ultrafast surface dynamics and sum frequency spectroscopy as a postdoc at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge. She gained an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship to work on plasmon-enhanced photochemistry before moving to the University of Liverpool as lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2017.
A PhD project funded by Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland led her into the wonderful world of protein-surface interactions and appreciation of linear spectroscopies. The latest work in the group ranges from understanding how proteins interact with silicas in reverse phase chromatography to how lipid bilayer curvature influences insulin adsorption.