Understanding Lithium Battery Interfaces Workshop 29th September 2015

The EC funded SIRBATT Project, coordinated by Dr Laurence Hardwick and based within the Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy, announce their first workshop:
‘Understanding Lithium Battery Interfaces’ at Hotel Barcelo Bilbao Nervion Bilbao, Spain on Tuesday 29th September 2015
The focus of the workshop will be on the various in situ techniques used to characterise the chemical nature of electrode interfaces. The diversity of organisations represented will provide a wide range of complementary expertise in areas relating to the study of battery electrode interfaces, at both experimental and theoretical levels.
This workshop has been timed to take place the day before the 8th International Congress on Advanced Lithium Batteries for Automobile Applications (ABAA8) 30th September to 2nd October 2015.
SIRBATT (Stable Interfaces for Rechargeable Batteries) aims to radically improve the fundamental understanding of the structure and reactions occurring at lithium battery electrode/electrolyte interfaces.
Further information on the Workshop and SIRBATT’s research can be found here