Congratulations to all our 2014 chemistry graduates
![Chemistry Graduation 2014](/media/livacuk/chemistry/gallery/Graduation2014.jpg)
Congratulations to all of the 2014 Chemistry graduates.
Following the formal degree ceremony in the Metropolitan Cathedral, graduates, their friends and relatives returned to the Central Teaching Hub for a prize giving reception.
More images are available via our Dropbox folder
The 2014 prize winners for graduating students were:
- Catherine Colquhoun - Leblanc Medal and Leverhulme Prize
- Sean Richards - Syngenta Prizes in Pharmacology
- Charles Evans - Ellard Woolcott Prize in Chemistry
- Alexander Hill - Leverhulme Prize
Other 2014 prize winners were:
- Gina Washborn (Year 3) - Venables Prize
- Naomi Richards (Year 3) - Dr Austin Leslie Roberts Prize
- Michael Rogers (Year 3) - Dr Austin Leslie Roberts Prize
- Fiona Laraman (Year 3) - Royal Society of Chemistry Prize and Griffith-McKeown Prize
- Andrew Moores (Year 2) - Tipper-Elsevier Chemistry Prize and Edith Kearton Prize in Organic Chemistry
- Saeed Khezar (Year 1) - Hickling Prize in Chemistry