Potts Medal lecture with Dr Peter Bleasdale

The Potts Award is the department of Chemistry's oldest award and is led by the students. They, through the student ChemSoc put a lot of work into the lecture in both finding and selecting an alumni for their achievement.
This year’s winner is Dr Peter Bleasdale.
Dr Bleasdale (BSc Hons Chemistry with Materials Science 1973, PhD 1978) is the former CEO of Inutec Ltd and former Managing Director of Nexia Solutions Ltd and the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
At the event, you will have the opportunity to learn about Peter’s career path after graduation and there will be an opportunity for questions after the lecture.
The event will be held on Tuesday 2 April at 12.30pm in the Brunner Lecture Theatre. The lecture will be followed by a buffet lunch served from 1.30pm in the foyer of the Chemistry Building. Please regsiter to attend at https://alumni.liv.ac.uk/online-event-registration