Training in NMR spectroscopy

Analytical Services provide a range of NMR training activities that suit the needs of the Departmental users, including:

Introductory NMR training

This training is compulsory for every new NMR user disregarding previous background and self-training activities. It is organized on a regular basis and composed of safety induction and basic operation of the Departmental 400NMR spectrometer (in automation).

Regular NMR user – Avance500NMR and Avance400DPX

The scope of this training includes basic 1D and 2D NMR experiments to be run on the Departmental 500NMR and 400DPX spectrometers in the manual mode. “Introductory NMR training” is required prior to participation.

Experienced NMR user – 500NMR and 400DPX

The scope of this training includes more advanced 1D and 2D NMR experiments and VT experiments to be run on the Departmental 500NMR and 400DPX spectrometers in the manual mode. “Introductory NMR” plus “Regular NMR user” training and experience of at least 3 month of regular hands-on operation of 400DPX/500NMR spectrometers are required prior to participation.

Advanced spectroscopic elucidation for organic chemists

This is an optional course for the 1st year PhD students. Selected topics of solution NMR spectroscopy, mass-spectrometry, IR and elemental analysis, are discussed with a particular focus on solving real experimental problems (case-studies from organic and organometallic chemistry). It includes 12 lectures and hands-on NMR training on both 400DPX and 500NMR spectrometers (no separate NMR training is required). A limited number of users, who are not PhD students, are also accepted.

NMR data processing for publication

The scope of this training includes basic and more advanced data processing for analysis/publication purpose using Topspin2/Topspin3 software. Both Windows and AppleOS versions of Topspin are discussed.

Training on a number of different NMR experiments can be organized upon request.

Specific dates are provided via email at the beginning of each term, through VITAL, and NMR facilities Intranet.

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