NMR Instruments

There are currently six Bruker Solution NMR instruments in our facilities:

Avance III HD 500MHz spectrometer - equipped with 5 mm direct BBO/indirect BBFI multinuclear gradient probes. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 500.13 MHz; 2 channels; 5 mm direct BBO/indirect BBFI probes; tuned/calibrated for ca. 15 most common nuclei, other nuclei can be added on request. This instrument is operated manually by previously trained users only.

Avance III HD 400MHz spectrometer - equipped with a multinuclear BBFO or QNP gradient probes. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 400.13 MHz; 2 channels; 5 mm BBFO or QNP probes; tuned/calibrated for several common nuclei, other nuclei can be added on request (on BBFO probe only). This instrument is equipped with a 60-position sample changer (Sample Express) and is accessed by all Departmental users upon initial training.

Avance I 400MHz spectrometer - equipped with a QNP gradient probe. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 400.13 MHz; 2 channels; 5 mm QNP probe; probe suitable for experiments based on 1H/13C/19F/31P observation. This instrument is equipped with a 60-position sample changer (BACS) and is operated either in automation or manually by previously trained users only.

Fourier300 300MHz spectrometer - equipped with a Fourier300 1H/13C gradient probe. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 300.13 MHz; 2 channels; probe suitable for experiments based on 1H/13C observation only. This instrument is equipped with 60-position sample changer (Sample Express) and is used exclusively for undergraduate and MSc teaching in the CTL environment.

The following instruments offer specialized techniques (high pressure cells, inverse detection of low gamma nuclei) unique to Liverpool and HRMAS and can be accessed for collaborative research purposes. Contact Dr. Jonathan Iggo

Avance II 400MHz-WB spectrometer - equipped with multinuclear TBI probes (for 15N-31P and  187Os–109Ag frequency ranges with detection via 1H, 13C or 31P) and HRMAS. High pressure experiments using Roe sapphire tubes with dip tube are also available. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 400.13 MHz; 3 channels; 5 mm TBI probes; tuned/calibrated for many common nuclei, other nuclei can be added on request. HRMAS probe (1H,19F, 13C)

High pressure 200MHz-WB spectrometer - equipped with NMR bubble column and Roe sapphire dip tube cell for the study of reactions of gases in solution or adsorbed on solids. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 200.13 MHz; Broadband probes for nuclei in the range 15N to 31P.  Pressure range 10-2 to 200 bar, temperature range 243 to 473 K.

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