Solid-state NMR facilities consist of the following instruments:
- Avance III HD 400 MHz Wide Bore spectrometer equipped with a wide range of Magic Angle Spinning NMR probes with rotor diameter from 1.3 to 7 mm and unique variable temperature capabilities ranging from -150 and 400 °C. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 400.13 MHz; 3 channels; 1.3 mm HXY MAS probe; 4 mm HXY MAS probe; a unique high temperature 4 mm HX MAS probe capable of reaching 400 °C at 12 kHz and tunable to low-gamma nuclei down to 107Ag; 7 mm HX MAS probe.
- DSX 400 MHz Wide Bore spectrometer equipped with 4 mm Magic Angle Spinning NMR probes. Essential technical details: 1H operating frequency: 400.13 MHz; 3 channels; 4 mm HXY MAS probe; 4 mm HX MAS probe.
In addition, upon successful proposal writing, we also have access to the UK 850 MHz solid state NMR national facility at the University of Warwick. Any new users should contact Dr F. Blanc for access.
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