A modeller is working at their computer


Developed by the pharmacometrics team within CELT, this is the only online free to use simulation tool to describe the pharmacokinetics of drugs using different physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models.

What is Teoreler?

Teoreler is a web-based PBPK modelling application and its continued development is funded by Unitaid as part of the implantation of the LONGEVITY project, to develop long-acting versions of medicines to cure hepatitis C and to prevent malaria and latent TB. The tool simulates drug pharmacokinetics in plasma, various organs and tissues based on the anatomy and physiology of a given species, drug physicochemical characteristics, in vitro data and dosing regimen for a given drug, allowing users to investigate how a drug will be absorbed, distributed within different tissues, metabolised and eliminated from the body without the prior need for any clinical studies.

How does Teoreler help PBPK modellers?

This interface is intended as a research tool to inform possible decision points in early medicine development and/or later stages of dose optimisation. This application can also be used by clinicians to optimise the dosing regimens of a drug for a particular individual (validated drug models are accessible through the preloaded drug profile dropdown). This initial release includes an adult PBPK model, a child/adolescent model and a drug-drug interaction model to predict how two drugs will interact in adult physiology. Alongside the human models, Teoreler also includes two animal models for mice and rats.

Teoreler users can upload experimental or observed clinical data and compare the pharmacokinetic outputs with the predictions. Validated models using animal data can be utilised to see how a given drug will present in humans. For example, researchers can use preclinical data from animal experiments and validate a PBPK model. This validated model can be used in humans to explore drug concentrations on a particular group, such as the elderly and predict the effects of different dose- or formulation-specific parameters accordingly.

Teoreler also features a volume of distribution (Vd) calculator to quickly generate a detailed table of tissue-to-plasma ratios and the apparent distribution volume for a given drug. This calculator consists of various published Vd methods that have been extensively validated against published literature. The tool is useful for those who want to look at drug distribution and use it within their own models.

How do I access and use Teoreler?

Once the app is launched using the button below, 'Tutorial’ and ‘Get Started’ sections can be found on the header bar at the top of the Teoreler page to find out more about how to validate a PBPK model and how to use the Teoreler interface respectively. Additionally, detailed descriptions of each of the parameters used in PBPK modelling can be found in the ‘PBPK Parameters’ section accessed through the ‘About’ section found on the top of the page.

Please note: This is a beta version. The CELT team constantly updates the models and features to enhance user experience. Your feedback is be extremely helpful to accelerate and further improve the features of this free web application.

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External peer-reviewed publications that have used Teoreler

Publication date
Title Keywords Authors Journal

In silico molecular targets, docking, dynamics simulation and physiologically based pharmacokinetics modeling of oritavancin

PBPK, oritavancin Fatoki, T.H., Balogun, T.C., Ojewuyi, A.E.,  Omole, A.C., Olukayode, O.V., Adewumi, A.P., Umesi, A.J., Ijeoma, N.P., Apooyin, A.E., Chinedu, C.P., Idowu, I.E., & Isah, M.J. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology

Teoreler was developed by Dr Rajith Rajoli and other members of the CELT Pharmacology group.

 The CELT logo is a celtic knot that forms a cross shape with the word CELT to the right of it.The Teoreler logo is the organisation name to the right of a line drawing of a vitruvian manThe Unitaid logo is the organisation name written above the words

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