Collaborate with CELT

The Centre of Excellence for Long-acting Therapeutics (CELT) produces world-leading research. Our cross-faculty infrastructure facilitates an interdisciplinary approach to research with wide-ranging collaborative opportunities and excellent links to outstanding international partners.

Start a conversation

If you have a long-acting therapeutics project you would be interested in collaborating with or would be interested in collaborating with CELT on one of our existing projects, please get in touch.

We specialise in pre-clinical research and development areas including:

  • chemistry
  • pharmacology
  • modelling
  • immunology
  • nanotherapeutics

However, CELT works with a range of partners for clinical research and development, licensing, manufacturing, community outreach and more.


For further information, please contact our Operations Manager.

Dr. Sam Naghibi

Operations Manager

Centre of Excellence for Long-acting Therapeutics


Address: William Henry Duncan Building, University of Liverpool, L7 8TX

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