Episode 1 - 5

Glass ball on wooden surface

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 1 - Part 1

Inspired by Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, we asked our four guests, all lecturers at the University of Liverpool, to talk about a lightbulb moment with their students: when they felt that students ‘were getting it’ and they were part of this.

Speakers: Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Dr Anna O’Connor, Dr James Gaynor and Prof Diana Jeater

15 June 2020 | 28 minutes

Blog: Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 1 (Parts 1 and 2)

Toy swivel fan

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 1 - Part 2

In Part 2 of Treasure Island Discs , Anna, Diana, James and Stuart, lecturers at the University of Liverpool, discuss their thoughts and plans about moving towards hybrid active learning in autumn 2020.

Speakers: Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Dr Anna O’Connor, Dr James Gaynor and Prof Diana Jeater

15 June 2020 | 25 minutes

Blog: Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 1 (Parts 1 and 2)

Postbox on wall

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 2 - the one with Lego

In Episode 2, our guests share their lightbulb moments, including getting students to 'take' feedback, the importance of reflection, using play for conceptual understanding with Lego and ways of engaging environmental science students with hydrology.

Speakers: Dr Kathryn Fox, Dr Helen Vaughan, Dr James Cooper, Dr Matthew Fitzjohn

28 September 2020 | 1 hour 1 minute

Blog: Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 2

Wind blowing persons hair on beach

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 3 - the one with all the Ms

In Episode 3, an episode of Ms, Mathew, Matt and Katherine share various student-centred and collaborative learning inspired lightbulb moments and teaching props.

Speakers: Dr Katherine Whitehurst, Dr Matt Murphy and Mathew Flynn

30 November 2020 | 35 minutes

Blog: Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 3

A swirl pattern in the sand

Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 4 - the one with the real Treasure Island

In Episode 4, we discussed the challenges and opportunities of doing role-play, group discussions in an online Covid setting and bartered teaching ideas and also had a special mention of the original Treasure Island.

Speakers: Dr Marieke Riethof, Chris Barlow, Jennifer Klunder-Rosser and Dr Joel Haddley

03 December 2020 | 41 minutes

Blog: Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 4

Railway tracks

Treasure Island Pedagogies - Episode 5 - the one with the coconut

In Episode 5, our guests highlight the need to be experimental and take our learners out of their comfort zone into a creative, safe space where they can learn and discover both the passion for and the science of teaching.

Speakers: Ashwini Datt, Danielle Hinton, Jenni Carr and Natasha Taylor

16 March 2021 | 47 minutes

Blog: Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 5