H5P Pilot - Examples from the University so far
Posted on: 25 January 2024 by Will Moindrot in General

H5P is an easy to use tool for the creation of interactive learning resources in Canvas and elsewhere. We have been running a pilot jointly between CIE and the School of Medicine since 2022 with a number of author licenses available for staff to use.
Here are some examples of how H5P has been used so far by staff and students at the University. If you are interested in exploring how you could use H5P in your own work, please see this H5P project page for more information.
Learner Conversations as Models of Spoken Language in Second Language German
Dr Chris Jones and Dr Ulrike Bavendiek have been working on this research project that uses H5P. The team were supported by research assistant on the project Sandra Strigel and student intern Aleisha Byrne who provided particularly valuable input around the design of H5P activity, visual look and learner guidance. The team have kindly made the materials publicly available here with a summary of the project.
Musical Advent Calendar
Sandra Strigel, German language teacher, developed a Musical Advent Calendar with H5P, enabling her students to develop their vocabulary and grasp of phrases, and understanding of popular culture through pop songs on YouTube, with an original activity for each day in December.
Virtual Tours
H5P has been useful in creating 360-degree virtual tours. Here is an example used to explain about the CIE Hyflex Teaching Project, highlighting technical infrastructure to support session leaders within hybrid teaching. Here is a second example with a virtual tour of the Careers Studio (work in progress)
Sustainability in Action
The University-wide course on sustainability (developed each year by student interns for students) has benefited from H5P activities. In 2022 the interns introduced H5P into the materials to increase interactivity within resources. From this work we could find out how students want to use H5P interactivity, and their preferences for styling activities. One of the interns went on to work with lecturers elsewhere in the university to provide guidance and support around H5P, and guidance to other students doing the same. Full staff preview available here that you can enrol on.
Key examples
- Use of H5P to present course content
- Test your knowledge type activity
- Test your knowledge/discussion activity
Veterinary Science
Student Concept Tests
Dr Daniel Batchelor has used H5P in several ways for teaching clinical skills. One example is in teaching around Uroliths, producing this H5P resource to help students to check their understanding.
Clinical Skills
Staff from the School of Veterinary Sciences have been developing interactive clinical case scenarios, where students are confronted with a clinical case with which they then diagnose the problem and suggest suitable approaches in the diagnoses and treatment of that animal. Activities can be undertaken independently by a student, or as part of groups. Relevant resources are signposted to support student learning through the case. Cases can be undertaken by students when on practice where help and support can be given by placement staff.
School of Medicine
Tough Concepts
As part of an ‘RS3’ assignments, third year students could elect to do an education-based research project. Here is a link to one of the E-books that one of our students created, as a resource to accompany a lecture on a ‘tough concept.’
Keywords: Active Learning, Blended Learning, Interactive, Canvas, Multimedia, Simulations.