
Below you can find a selection of publications from the Reading for Health and Wellbeing project.


Billington, J., Robinson, J. , Longden, E.
A Literature-Based Intervention for Women Prisoners: Preliminary Findings
International Journal of Prisoner Health

Davis, P. and Billington, J.
The Very Grief a Cure of the Disease
Changing English Special Issue: Uses of Poetry.


Billington, J.
Is Literature Healthy? Literary Agenda Series, ed. P. Davis.
Oxford University Press

Davis, P., Magee, F., Koleva, K., Tangeras, T.M., Hill, E., Baker, H., 
'What Literature Can Do’: An investigation into the effectiveness of shared reading as a whole population health intervention
Guys and St Thomas Charity
Read report

Gray, E., Kiemle, G., Davis, P., Billington, J.
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Being in a Reader Group
Arts & Health: International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, doi:10.1080/17533015.2015.1121883

Longden, E., Davis, P., Carroll, J., Billington, J.
An Evaluation of Shared Reading Groups for Adults Living with Dementia: Preliminary Findings
Journal of Public Health, 15(2):75-82, 2016.


Longden, E., Davis, P., Billington, J., Lampropoulou, S., Farrington, G., Magee, F., Walsh E., Corcoran, R.
Shared Reading: assessing the intrinsic value of a literature-based health intervention
Journal of Medical Humanities, 41:113-20

O'Sullivan, N., Davis, P., Billington, J, Gonzalez-Diaz, V., Corcoran, R
“Shall I compare thee": The neural basis of literary awareness, and its benefits to cognition
Cortex, 73:144-57.


Billington, J., Jones, A., Humphreys, A.L., McDonnell, K.
A literature-based intervention for people with chronic pain
Arts and Health: International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 8:13-31.
Read report 

Davis, P.
Reading and the Reader, Literary Agenda Series
Oxford University Press


Billington, J., Carroll, J., Davis, P., Healey, C., Kinderman, P.
A literature-based intervention for older people living with dementia
Perspectives in Public Health, 133: 3, 165-73.
Read report

Billington, J., Davis, P., with Farrington, G.
Reading as Participatory Art: An Alternative Mental Health Therapy
Journal of Arts and Communities, 5:1, 25-40


Billington, J.
Reading for Life: prison reading groups in practice and theory
Critical Survey, Special Issue, Reading and Writing in Prisons, 23:3, 67–85

Davis, J.
The Reading Revolution
In Stop What You’re Doing and Read This!
Random House.

Davis, P. James L. Keidel , Victorina Gonzalez-Diaz, Clara D. Martin, Guillaume Thierry
How Shakespeare tempests the brain: neuroimaging insights
Cortex. 48:5, 21-64.

Dowrick, C., Billington, J., Robinson, J., Hamer, A., Williams, C.
Get into Reading as an intervention for common mental health problems: exploring catalysts for change
Journal of Medical Humanities, 38:15-20.

Macmillan, Angela ed.
A Little More Aloud for Children
David Fickling Books.


Billington, J., Sperlinger, T.
Where Does Literary Study Happen?
Teaching in Higher Education Special Issue: Leaving the Academy 16:5, 505-16.

2010 & Older

Macmillan, Angela ed. (2010)
A Little, Aloud
Chatto & Windus.

Davis, J. (2009)
Enjoying and enduring: groups reading aloud for wellbeing 
The Lancet, 373: 9665, 714-15.

Davis, J. (2008)
Getting into Reading. In Sue Hornby and Bob Glass ed Reader Development in Practice: Bringing Literature to Readers

Davis, P., Thierry G., Martin, C.D., Gonzalez-Diaz, V., Rezaie, R., Roberts, N., Davis, (2008)
Event-related potential characterisation of the Shakespearean functional shift in narrative sentence structure
NeuroImage 40: 923-931.

Davis, P. (2008)
Syntax and Pathways
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 33: 4, 265-77.

Hodge, S., Robinson, J., Davis, P. (2007)
Reading between the lines: the experiences of taking part in a community reading project
Medical Humanities, 33: 100-104.

Davis, P. (ed) (1997)
Real Voices: On Reading

Davis, P. (1991)
The Experience of Reading
Taylor & Francis.

Research Reports


Davis, P., Magee, F., Koleva, K., Tangeras, T. M., Hill, E., Baker, H. (2016)
An investigation into the effectiveness of shared reading as a whole population health intervention

What Literature Can Do: Full Report

Billington, J., Farrington, G., Lampropoulou, S., McDonnell, K., Jones, A., Ledson, J., Humphreys, A-L., Lingwood, J., Duirs, N., Holloway, C., Smart, B. (2016)
A Comparative Study of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Shared Reading for Chronic Pain
Project Findings: Short Report

Full report

Billington, J. (2016)
An Evaluation of the ‘City of Readers’ student volunteer initiative at the University of Liverpool
Read report

Billington, J., Dowrick, C., Robinson, J., Hamer, A., Williams, C. (2011)
An investigation into the therapeutic benefits of reading in relation to depression and well-being [Online]
Read report 

Davis, P., Billington, J., Corcoran, R., Gonzalez-Diaz, V., Lampropoulou, S., Farrington, G., Magee, F., Walsh, E. (2014)
Assessing the intrinsic value, and health and well-being benefits, for individual and community, of The Reader Organisation’s Volunteer Reader Scheme
Executive Summary

Full Report

Billington, J., Humphreys, A. L., Jones, A., McDonnell, K. (2014) 
An Evaluation of a Literature-Based Intervention for People with Chronic Pain
Read report

Davis, P., Billington, J., Carroll, J., Healey, C., Kinderman, P. (2013) 
A literature-based intervention for older people living with dementia
Read report

Robinson, J. and Billington, J. (2013)
An Evaluation of a pilot study of a literature-based intervention with women in prison

Full report

Robinson, J. (2008) 
Reading and Talking: Exploring the experience of taking part in reading groups at the Walton Neuro-Rehabilitation Unit (NRU).
HaCCRU Research Report. 114/08
Read report

Robinson J. (2008) 
Reading and Talking: Exploring the experience of taking part in reading groups at the Vauxhall Health Care Centre
HaCCRU Research Report. 115/08
Read Report

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