Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Awards

This year CEDS were delighted to host the 2020/21 Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Awards, and the Sir Alistair Pilkington Award.  Take a look at this year's winners and enjoy their educational impact projects below.


Alistair Pilkington Award Winners

Preparing R students for the future

Dr Rebecca Jones from the School of Life Sciences

Innovative Restructuring of an anatomy dissection module for high quality COVID-safe delivery.

Mr Neil Thomas: Human Anatomy Resource Centre

Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Award Winners

Virtual Anatomy and Pathology

Dr Zeeshan Durrani, Dr Vijay Sharma, Dr David Sherlock - (School of Veterinary Science, School of Medicine, Centre for Educational Development and Support)

Creating a remote learning approach for developing key skills - suturing at home

Miss Sarah Mckernon, Mr Elliott Adderton from the School of Dentistry

The use of simulated patient cases as a clinical replacement activity for undergraduate dental students

Mr Jonathan Marsden, Mr Stephen Deboo, Mr Nicholas Longridge, Mr Matthew Cripps, Mr  Michael Aspden, Dr Kathryn Fox - (School of Dentistry)

Creation of the SubFY1 student doctor role

Professor Hazel Scott, Dr Iain Young, Dr Rachel Wallis from the School of Medicine and NHS Trusts

Concept to reflections: Staff perspective of Life Sciences Practical Design in a Virtual Environment

Dr Sean Goodman, Dr Rachel Floyd, Dr Terry Gleave  from the School of Life Sciences

Tough Topics in Medicine

Helen Wallace from the School of Medicine

Hybrid Acting Learning (HAL) re-design for year 1 School of Life Sciences provision

David Montagnes from the School of Life Sciences