screen shot of a denstrty room virtual tour

360-degree virtual tours

CEDS offer a virtual tour creation service.

360-degree virtual tours provide a panoramic view of a location, facility or building, allowing users to explore it in all directions. They offer an immersive and interactive experience that can be used by prospective students to explore the campus at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. They have been described as being more effective at engaging students than traditional marketing methods such as brochures or websites.  Studies have shown that virtual tours can be highly effective in engaging potential students.  

360-degree virtual tours also be used as a learning resource, to support the teaching of topics such as health and safety, or to enable learners to become more familiar with the layout of a building or equipment.  With the ability to add video and audio these tours can also provide a useful tool for induction. 

We created a 360-degree virtual tour for the School of Dentistry, which was used in open days to show areas of their facility that were not accessible to the public.



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