Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and lifelong learning

Teaching programs, research groups and individual academics frequently develop training and learning programs based on their expertise and evidence collected in their specific fields. These programs often attract professionals working in related areas, both from academia and various industries.

This dynamic presents an opportunity for university individuals to explore the feasibility of creating standalone courses that address market demands and fill potential gaps in existing offerings. We can help staff grow their audience and deliver teaching to professionals in the field

Our role is to assist and support staff in evaluating their proposals, identifying areas for enhancement and establishing the necessary arrangements to launch these programs to a broader audience.

Types of CPD Support:

  • Turning existing modules into external CPD modules 
  • Developing financials for delivering CPD modules
  • Understanding different finance models for income generation  
  • Support for new CPD ideas and transforming to income generating modules 
  • Understanding hosting platform options.

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