Amy joined the MRC CDSS following her PhD exploring anti-malarials in pregnancy, which identified that anti-malarials were not embryo toxic. This area of research touched upon mitochondria and Amy believed that some of the techniques used might have applications in drug safety. The CDSS invested in a Seahorse machine and a cell respirometer, which allowed Amy to look at the mitochondria in even greater detail.
When asked about her time at the MRC CDSS, Amy highlighted the relationships with industry and academia as having a hugely positive impact on her research, “everything about the CDSS has helped move my research forwards.” For Amy, this involved working with Aintree Hospital for liver sample collection, the Wolfson Centre for Personalised Medicine for selection volunteers for mitochondrial DNA and a range of industry input.
Next, Amy plans to take the research further and look into the interactions of a drug with the mitochondria; researching what the mitochondria are doing to the liver of a person and how this affects how a drug reacts.
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