9th July 2020 Inclusion
The necessary shift to online has created new challenges and some of our potential solutions will not be suitable for some of our cohort. In this meeting, Stuart Christie (University of Manchester) shared his experience of making learning materials without adding barriers and Sally Jordan (Open University) drew on her extensive experience in e-assessment and her experience of equality, diversity and inclusion from her role as Head of School of Physical Sciences to explore some of the issues which arise when supporting diverse students and staff in an online environment.
Intro and update – Helen Vaughan, University of Liverpool – starts the video
Making learning materials without adding barriers - Stuart Christie, University of Manchester
– starts at 45s
Supporting diverse students online : more questions than answers- Sally Jordan, Open University – starts at 29m.
Break-out Room Discussions
- How best to support diverse students online
- Inclusive assessment practices
- Considerations for inclusive online communication
- Inclusive labs (Remote/virtual/@home or face to face) - what we can do