Benefactors Fund grants awarded

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A number of University departments will benefit from new equipment, improved facilities and student support services, thanks to funding from the Benefactors’ Fund.

The latest projects to be funded include:

"¢ £29,322 for a portable demonstration of Nobel Prize winning technology in the School of Physical Sciences

"¢ £28,104 for Collaborative Working Environment facilities for the Computing Services Department

"¢ £26,414 to the Central Teaching Laboratory for a portable planetarium

"¢ £25,400 to produce software required for an online alumni-student mentoring platform in the Careers and Employability Service

"¢ £21,650 towards a 3D printer in the School of Architecture

"¢ £13,010 towards media/AV equipment in the Department of Music

"¢ £11,373 for personal response systems in the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures

"¢ £6,000 to purchase a self-help library for the Counselling Service

"¢ £2,250 for enhancement of student areas in the Institute of Integrative Biology.

Dr Lisa Hannah–Stewart, Annual Giving Manager, said: "We are grateful to our alumni for their continued support and donations. These gifts make an important contribution to the University community, by helping to fund projects that directly enhance and enrich the life of our students."

The Fund, managed by the Philanthropy and Alumni Relations team, has raised over £1 million since it launched in 2007. Gifts are generated from direct mail, phone and online giving.