Brand new podcast for psychology students
Posted on: 25 May 2022 by Samantha Riella in Events & News

Final year psychology students Rhianna and Katherine talk about their experience at university and future career plans on the ‘Things I wish I’d known as a first year’ podcast.
Jennifer Connell, Careers Consultant at the Career Studio on University Square, spoke to final year psychology students Rhianna and Katherine about their experience at university including how they have felt about their degree, what they would do differently if given the chance and their future career plans.
The podcast Things I wish I’d known as a first year has been created to give first years an opportunity to learn from the experiences of final year psychology students, and this first episode allows students to benefit from Rhianna and Katherine’s advice. You can listen to the podcast on Spotify.
The conversation covers the highs and lows of university life, with tips on everything from dealing with lecturers, boosting your employability and coping with exam anxiety. They specifically mention the importance of volunteering. For current opportunities, you can visit Liverpool Guild of Students.
Both students undertook the 2-day Mental Health First Aid Course, which aims to equip students with the skills to support anyone in crisis. With evidence-based discussion, activities and case studies, students learn how to put their knowledge into practice and have found that the qualification complements their study of psychology. There will be another opportunity for a number of students to undertake the course in 2022-3. Further details will be made available nearer the time. In the meantime, you find out more about the course here.
Our two psychology students also reflected on their plans after graduating, with both of them hoping to continue with their studies on postgraduate courses.
Talking about their plans for life after Liverpool, Katherine said:
I hope to do experience as an assistant psychologist and then be able to do a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (DclinPsy), to eventually become a clinical psychologist!
Rhianna is also going on to further study:
After my masters I hope to go into clinical psychology, but I wouldn’t say it is set in stone, I am open to whatever comes my way!
To share your own thoughts on 'Things I wish I had known as a first year’ and take part in the next edition of the podcast, please email Jennifer Connell on
You can listen to the podcast on Spotify.
Keywords: Podcast, Advice, Graduates, Psychology, Volunteering, Mental Health.