Love Your Liverpool Competition

Posted on: 1 December 2020 in Events & News

What do you love about Liverpool? Develop your skills and support our city!


Our vibrant city with a bustling creative culture bubbling under the surface is going through hard times with a second lockdown. There is no time better to stand up, develop your skills and support our Liverpool, our people and our amazing independents.


Share the best of the city; your favourite place, shop, café, memory, view, whatever it may be that makes you love Liverpool. Now more than ever, we all need to get behind our city!  


The brief:

  • Take a photo, make a video or create a drawing to show us why you LOVE Liverpool. 
  • Brand it up with Marketing Liverpool's Branding Kit and post it on social media and tag #LoveYourLiverpool and #TeamLivUni then email us with a link to your entry! 

Competition will close on Friday 4th December 2020 at 6pm. 

Marketing Liverpool Judges will select the winner but all entries will be used to promote our city in the Love Your Liverpool marketing campaign.  See examples on Youtube and LinkedIn.

Branding is easier than you think, take a look at the branding kit and simply use Canva or Adobe Spark to make your edits and brand it up! A new skill to add to your CV and National Campaign to talk about in your next job interview! 



  • 2X tickets for British Music Experience 
  • 2 X tickets for a round of golf at Ghetto Golf 
  • And Burger & Fries for 2 at Revolution Albert Dock plus a pint of Amstel beer or R-heart cocktail, or a glass of wine, or a soft drink.  


Terms and Conditions: 

  • You must record and edit your own content using the Love Your Liverpool branding kit 
  • You must tag both #LoveYourLiverpool and #TeamLivUni on your post 
  • Multiple entries permitted 
  • All submissions must be public to view  
  • Submission deadline 6pm on Friday 4thDecember 2020 

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