Staying positive during lockdown

Posted on: 6 May 2020 by Catherine Ogden, final year law LLB student at the University of Liverpool in Hints, tips and advice


Lockdown has made me a bit indecisive about life after graduation, but I know it's not worth getting worked up and worried right now. It is more important to stay positive.

It's okay not to be feeling normal about everything in this entirely abnormal situation. But there are things you can to to help focus on the positives.

I have created and participated in lots of online quizzes! One week I had 5 quizzes on Zoom between Sunday and Friday. This has given me an abundance of somewhat useless but interesting general knowledge and facts (plus some new PowerPoint animation skills!). And now I have a better chance at winning the local pub quiz - this could be said to be a positive result of lockdown.

Another positive part of lockdown for me is that I've been able to socialise and interact a lot more of my friends and family online. The quizzes I've been doing every week have meant that I've spent more time than I usually would in a normal week at Uni catching-up with friends and family.

A few other positive things that I could name (since it's good to think of the positives in every situation!):

  • I've started reading for fun and not just as part of my university work. I know a lot of my friends have too and we have all been sharing our favourite books.
  • I've saved money. Not using my car as much, not shopping or spending money eating out, and not going out has meant I've been able to boost my savings.
  • I'm much more thankful, and it seems the rest of society is too, for the NHS and our Key Workers. Hopefully, this continues after lockdown and into the future.

Lockdown living is tough at times and can leave you feeling a bit uncertain about everything, but stating positive really helps.

Keywords: Hints & Tips.