Diya: My Enterprise Trek Experience

Posted on: 25 April 2024 by Richard Finch in Enterprise

Diya Mary Joshy is a current MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management student. In this post she shares her insights from participating in our recent Enterprise Trek.

My name is Diya Mary Joshy, and I am thrilled to share my insights gained from participating in The Enterprise Trek this semester.

As a postgraduate student majoring in MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, I embarked on this transformative journey with a hunger for knowledge and a passion for entrepreneurship!

The Enterprise Trek organised by the Careers and Employability took us around a number of local businesses that have been established by University of Liverpool graduates. Throughout my time on the tour, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the dynamic world of business, gaining invaluable hands-on experience, as well as making connections with startup leaders.

The Enterprise Trek provided a group of students with invaluable opportunities to advance both individually and professionally. The exposure to actual startups and seeing personally how a business was run, hearing about successes, and picking up tips from setbacks were all quite motivating. Our dreams of becoming entrepreneurs were frequently inspired by these encounters as we learned about the various businesses. Additionally, our networking skills were fostered by the opportunity to ask questions and interact with specialists!

The Trek acted as an inspiration for those who was thinking about starting their own business. The creativity and persistence of those we met definitely inspired ambition and helped to generate new ideas. It also offered an insight into the day-to-day operations of managing a firm, ranging from marketing plans to financial administration.

As students we were encouraged by The Trek to think creatively and carefully about how their ideas might affect the market. Thinking back on the Trek experience could influence a person's approach to professional aspirations or lead them towards entrepreneurship, depending on their future job path. 

All things considered; the Enterprise Trek gave students an insight into the exciting realm of business while also providing them with the tools necessary for success!


If you are looking to start a new enterprise or build entrepreneurial skills, we can help. You can find out more about what enterprise is, how to set up a business or pitch an idea, and hear from inspiring speakers at our enterprise programmes and careers events. Click here to find out more!