Anthony Polanowski: My Entrepreneurship Story

Posted on: 28 October 2022 by Samantha Riella in Enterprise

Find out more about Anthony Polanowski who started his business Decent Donuts during the first lock-down and has gone from strength to strength.

I started my business during the first lock-down from my mum’s kitchen. At first, it was simply a novelty as to whether I could create a decent looking donut. After several failed attempts, I eventually mastered the technique. After some encouragement from friends and family, I posted a few pictures on social media and people were instantly interested and placed orders. As a student with a part-time job, it was difficult to find the balance of education, employment and now fulfilling customers orders which kept growing.

I reached out to Alison Pountney, Innovation Coach on the LCR Founders Project and Core Enterprise and Entrepreneurship lead within the University who immediately showed enthusiasm and introduced me to various schemes and offered guidance and support. The University enabled me to pitch for Design Your Future which has helped accelerate and strengthen my business through some funding. I have also been lucky enough to join LCR Founders which has enabled me to network and be around like-minded people within a safe and fun environment.

I started with little experience, no financial backing and was able to create a successful business. The University has not only provided me with so many opportunities but also a support network and an environment filled with other inspiring and entrepreneurial students, something that I am forever grateful for.

We have recently also traded on campus selling our freshly baked treats which is something we hope to continue to do within the near future. I have also been invited as a guest and panel speaker as a role model to other students to prove that anything is possible if you never give up.


If you are looking to start a new enterprise or build entrepreneurial skills to be used in employment, we can help you along the way. You can find out more about what enterprise is, how to set up a business or pitch an idea, hear from inspiring speakers at our enterprise programmes, and careers events, and be on the lookout for enterprise competitions and challenges to help you turn your ideas into reality. 

Keywords: Enterprise, case studies.