Provide a helping hand to every student who is about to embark on a new and exciting chapter of their life…

Posted on: 24 June 2020 in Student experiences

Want to add value you to your student experience? Why not become a Peer Mentor?

University of Liverpool Peer Mentors stand for diversity, equality and inclusion

Now, more than ever, we need to come together as a community to support one another and represent every student voice at the University.

During our recruitment process we will reach out to students who are underrepresented so that our mentor cohort embodies every student voice. We will ensure that every student is aware of the mentor support that is available to them through continually reaching out to all University societies when recruiting mentees to the scheme, and we will share Peer Mentor events on as many platforms as we possibly can.

We can always learn more!

The ability to recognise and be open to new and improved ways of working is essential and we can always listen and learn more. It is for this reason that we want to hear from you! We welcome your feedback and you can reach out to us at So, please get in touch if you would like to put forward any ideas or suggestions on anything we can add to the scheme, or if you think there is anything we can do differently.

Student Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do!

This Peer Mentor scheme sits within Student Success who are part of the University’s Careers and Employability team. It is a central offer and our mentors are invaluable in helping students who are new to university to settle in, and in supporting those returning after a long summer break to get back into a good routine. Most importantly though, they exemplify the diverse, equal and inclusive approach that is integral to all University activity and a major part of their role is to share this message with all students.

We want to embed a greater a sense of belonging to every student experience and to decrease feelings of isolation…

Peer Mentors are here to support every student on campus, whether it’s organising a social event, signposting students to events and activities, being available to catch up over a cuppa or sharing a day in the life of their university experience, they’re there at those trying times when you need them the most.

Recruitment for our next cohort of mentors has recently closed but will open again in mid-August… 

The first round of recruitment has now closed but don’t worry it will reopen in mid-August. This will be just in time for our mentor training which will take place in September, prior to the University-wide welcome in October. The specific date for the next round of recruitment is yet to be confirmed but it will be publicised on all University platforms closer to the time. In the meantime, please get in touch if you have any questions at 

We look forward to beholding the excellent support you will provide to your peers! 

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