My Work Experience: Rachit
Posted on: 17 November 2023 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Rachit shares his experience of being an international student at the University of Liverpool and working part-time as campus ambassador for Student Circus.
Can you tell us why you chose this course and why you chose to study at the University of Liverpool?
My long-term goal is to start my own company somewhere down the line and I needed to get a holistic knowledge about all the aspects that go into making a company - from strategy, operations, HR, finance and more. MBA is the course that goes into details of each aspect and hence seemed like the perfect course for me. University of Liverpool has a reputation for providing one of the best MBA courses in UK, and so, seemed like a good choice.
Can you please describe what you do as part of your Campus Ambassador role at Student Circus?
Most students, during the first semester, tend to focus more on part-time roles than graduate roles. Graduate roles are considered towards the end of their course. As a Student Circus Ambassador, I try to educate students about the platform. Most people think of Student Circus as just another job portal. While it definitely is one, it is the only job portal that is specifically made for international students and provides visa sponsored jobs. I also try to encourage students to make early applications for graduate schemes/roles, informing them about companies closing applications early and the rigorous and lengthy hiring process. Apart from that, I also tell students about the different resources available on Student Circus, specifically the guides related to visas.
How did you find out about this opportunity?
I found it while looking for part time jobs. I was looking for top platforms to find a job in the UK, and this came up. Instead of looking at the jobs posted on this platform, I instead went to its career tab and found the role advertised on their website.
What did the application process involve and how did you prepare for it?
I applied with my CV along with a cover letter, sharing why I think I'd be a perfect fit for the role. This was followed by an interview where I was asked about my previous experience, how would I handle certain situations, and how much do I know about the platform. Following this, I was asked to prepare a presentation on the platform, sort of like a pitch, explain what the platform is all about. I sent out a recorded video explaining the PPT and was later selected for the programme.
From an employability perspective, how has this experience been helpful to you?
I have been given the opportunity to travel to different universities, see how things work there and interact with new students across UK. I get to share my knowledge, initiate conversations with strangers and I think this would help me a lot in boosting my confidence and networking at a later stage.
What are some of the top skills you've picked up from this type of work experience opportunity?
Communication is definitely one of the top skills that come from this experience. Also, since, at a career fair students have a lot of stalls to go to, you can't take a lot of their time. This has helped me in collating and describing things in lesser words while trying to explain as much as I can. Also, teaches me how to articulate your answers and communicate well with others.
What is your top tip for international students currently looking for work experience opportunities?
You get to learn so much in every job. Do not think of any job as less or any other job as a better one. Every job teaches you something and the way you use those learnings in your next job is what matters. Grab all the opportunities you can get and don’t be afraid to ask be questions to recruiters and faculty members.
Rachit Sharma is an international student from India, currently pursuing his MBA at the University of Liverpool. Rachit describes Liverpool as a beautiful city where he has experienced so much in just a couple of months. He finds people in Liverpool to be extremely helpful and that the culture here has taught him great ways of having a work-life balance by working hard on weekdays and enjoying weekends to the full.
Keywords: International, Work Experience, Part-Time Job.