My Internship Experience: Anna
Posted on: 18 June 2024 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Hi I’m Anna, a 3rd year vet student and part-time career coach at the University of Liverpool! I created my own veterinary marketing and business internship based at Bishopton Veterinary Group in Ripon, North Yorkshire.
What did you internship involve?
During my internship I rotated around each department including marketing, finance and accounting, debt collection, dispensary, HR and client care. This allowed me to gain invaluable experience and understanding of the ‘behind the scenes’ of a large veterinary practice - something you don’t get a chance to do as a vet student on clinical placement.
How did you find out about this opportunity?
Through my role as Career Coach! I was in fact publicising the opportunity at a careers fair with Paul Cullinan and thought it was such a fab experience that I applied myself!
What did the application process involve and how did you prepare for it?
The initial process was to find a business I was keen to work at and who would embrace the opportunity themselves! After some research I landed on Bishopton Veterinary Group, a multi site veterinary business local to my home town in North Yorkshire. I created the opportunity in liaison with their head of marketing after a few emails and a meeting - after that the hard part was just getting Paul to sign off on my CV;) ! He’s a tough critic and but after a few iterations and input from mentors on my course and at the career studio we got there! The rest is history.
From an employability perspective, how has this experience been helpful to you?
This experience has been completely invaluable. I learned so much from my colleagues who were amazing and so keen to teach me and also appreciated that I wanted to learn! Gaining a holistic understanding of how a veterinary business runs will make me a better vet, a better employee, and a better colleague. I made some really interesting connections whilst on my internship which has led to me securing 6 weeks of clinical placement at Bishopton’s small animal hospital, equine hospital and farm practice. I also was introduced to a veterinary marketing consultant who I later reached out to, booked a 2 week professional EMS placement with and now work for freelance alongside my studies!
What are some of the top skills you've picked up from this type of work experience opportunity?
I am constantly looking for opportunities to develop my skills and knowledge and this internship provided huge amounts of both. I have gained valuable financial and operational experience within a veterinary business and have developed a deeper appreciation and understanding of the interplay between departments and their functions within a practice and at scale.
What is your top tip for students currently looking for work experience opportunities?
Keep your eyes and ears open, speak to as many people as you can, and if you can’t find the right fit - make one! Many of the opportunities I’ve learned the most from occurred after putting myself out there and reaching out to someone or a business I resonated with or was intrigued by. Don’t be afraid of sending that email or making that call or worrying that you don’t have connections within the industry. You make your own luck and can have the power to design your own future!
Keywords: Liverpool Interns, Class of 2024, Internship, Work Experience.