My Lab Internship Experience: Ana Ribeiro
Posted on: 31 March 2022 by Samantha Riella in Student experiences
Psychology student Ana Ribeiro tells us about her internship for Imagine Independence, a mental health charity.
Introduce yourself!
Hi! My name is Ana and I am a third year Psychology student. PSYC399 was my favourite module in Semester 1 as it was completely different from all the other modules and it was great being able to carry out the work experience in the summer.
Where was your internship and what did you do?
I worked full-time at my current job as the Quality Coordinator for Imagine Independence (mental health charity).
How did you find the internship experience and what did you learn?
I really enjoyed being able to work full-time as the workload was different to the one during part-time hours and it gave me some insight into potential jobs in mental health after I graduate.
Top skills you've picked up during the internship
Time management and IT skills.
What is next for you?
I will be doing a masters at the University of Liverpool next year.
What has been your favourite thing about university?
Third year as we got to choose our modules.
What is your top tip for students currently looking for work experience?
Look at any jobs available on Handshake! That's how I got my first job in a mental health charity as a mental health support worker back in first year (2019) and a year later I got promoted to quality coordinator.
*If you would like to find out more about getting involved in an internship you can visit Handshake, where we post daily new opportunities and experiences. Internships are a great way to work on projects, learn more about a particular field, make industry connections and develop your hard and soft skills. Internships can even lead to full-time job offers.
*To find out more visit Handshake and filter by the ‘internship’ tag, take a look on our website and our twitter page @livuniintern which posts internships daily.
*You can also visit the Career Studio at any time to find out more about internships and ask questions with a Career Coach. Our Career Coaches will help you explore career options, connect with employers, and apply successfully to jobs and opportunities. You can visit the Career Studio at any time, no appointment is needed. You can drop-in on University Square Monday to Friday from 10am - 5pm, or send a message to one of our Coaches on Handshake 24/7.
Keywords: Remote Internship, Handshake, Work Experience, Lab work, Psychology Work Experience.