I Got Hired: Digital Marketing Intern
Posted on: 14 December 2022 by Richard Finch in Graduate stories

Shauna Page is a Class of 2021 English Literature graduate, now working as a PR/Digital Marketing Intern and studying for a Masters in International Fashion Marketing.
When I was coming to the end of my undergraduate degree, we were coming out of all government restrictions surrounding COVID. After a year and a half of remote learning, I found myself evaluating what I wanted to do with the next stage of my life. Having chosen to do English at University because I felt it offered me a good foundation for whatever field I wanted to enter next, I suddenly found myself at a crossroads after the end of what felt like, a swift three years.
I decided to start looking at graduate roles I'd be interested in, and I found I kept landing in the same area of Marketing and found I needed a degree, master's, or further experience to apply for the roles I was interested in. I had always wanted to work in fashion but for whatever reasons felt I did not want to commit to studying it at undergraduate level as I felt I wanted to have more of a broad subject area to fall back on. It was only after lockdown however that I decided it was important to work in an industry I was genuinely passionate about. Therefore, I took it upon myself to research Master's courses that would niche my skills in Fashion Marketing and found the perfect course for me at MMU.
Since this, I haven't looked back and have even managed to work with two incredible businesses as an intern in both PR and Marketing. I am set to graduate this year at the end of September and couldn't be happier that I chose to make the jump from my Undergraduate to my MA.
When I graduated with my undergraduate degree I felt a bit lost as to what I wanted to do. I had applied for numerous graduate schemes but didn't feel they wholly aligned with where I wanted to end up within the working world. I, therefore, would say the most challenging part of the graduate journey is definitely feeling like you have to have a definitive answer as to what you want to do, but in actuality, everyone that is graduating feels the same way, and sometimes it's important to take a step back and evaluate what you want and how you can get there if it wasn't for doing this last year, I wouldn't have chosen to study my MA within the field of Fashion, which I know now is the area I want to work in and have loved every opportunity that has come along with it.
Don't panic. It's easier said than done, but it is important to enjoy the process. Sometimes things feel like they are a bit stagnant or you're facing rejection after rejection, but eventually, you will get to where you want to be, even if it's by a means you never expected.
Any experience is a good experience. Say yes to as much as you can and let others say no to you before you say no to yourself.
Don't compare yourself. Comparison only breeds further self-criticism, when in reality, everyone moves at their own pace, and weirdly, the journey of getting to where you want makes it all the more rewarding when you eventually get there.
Keywords: Graduate, Class of 2021, I Got Hired, Progress to postgraduate.