My experience on the Career Confidence for Women programme

Posted on: 8 March 2021 by Anna-Maria, 2nd year Psychology Student at the University of Liverpool in Student experiences

Drawings of women

Recently I have started a programme called “Career Confidence for Women” through Handshake.

This year-long programme allows me to build a network of valuable contacts, employers and mentors as well as peers from different courses enabling me to develop my understanding of the graduate recruitment market & understand how to successfully engage in Careers & Employability events, gaining recruitment skills.

Inspired by Nisha Katona

Living alone through this pandemic has taken a toll on my motivation, meaning I had “mental blocks” for weeks on end- unmotivated to do work on time and becoming a master at procrastination. This programme has put me out of this zone, allowing me to focus more and become motivated for my own future while speaking to like-minded women. Recently I was on a call with Nisha Katona, the founder of @mowglistreetfood, having the chance to ask any questions or advice to further my own career and start my own business! This experience alone has motivated me so much, with Nisha initially working as a full-time Barrister before dedicating her work to writing recipe books, starting a business, and opening up restaurants around the UK while raising a family. I was exposed to an incredibly strong, passionate woman who made her dreams into reality.

Exposing myself to conversations with people similar to Nisha or simply fuelling these conversations with friends/ family influences me to keep doing more, reading more, learning more, and dreaming for bigger things. We are capable of so much when we put our minds to it, whether it is learning a new language, reading a new book or exploring a new location!


I’ve found that I strive off stress...which is a bit odd to say but I feel most useful when I’m juggling many things at once! As someone who wants to pursue a career in Clinical Psychology I feel like I can use this to my advantage as I’m in for a long ride with lots of experience needed! This programme has opened my eyes to what we are actually capable of, and how what we do in our day-to-day lives can affect our future, pushing me to build on myself and get out of my comfort zone!

Building a network

A quote from @sherylsandberg which has stuck with me through this programme encouraging others to make a difference is, “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in our absence”… This year-long programme enables me to not only build a network of incredibly strong women, but allows me to build on myself and remind myself that I get what I put into this world, working harder for the things I want. 

Keywords: Case studies.