Berlin Innovation Challenge: Jack

Posted on: 20 June 2024 by Shannon Cheung in Student experiences

Computer Science student Jack took part in this year's Handshake Innovation Challenge in Berlin. Read about his experience here.

Hi, I’m Jack and I’m a student here at the University of Liverpool. I’m currently enrolled on the BSc Computer Science course, and will soon be moving on to second year.

What was your favourite part of #berlinnovation?

My favourite part of the #berlinnovation challenge was meeting and collaborating with so many new people. Being able to work on a project with individuals from a wide range of degrees and backgrounds was really interesting, and I made numerous connections during my time in Berlin. I also learned key skills through collaborating with my team that I may not have encountered during my course. As a side note I really loved Berlin, and I don’t think I’ve stopped speaking about it since coming back!

As a student, what do you look for when using career platforms like Handshake?

I’m looking for something that’s easy to use, accurately shows me results depending on the filters I give it, and gives me a clear indication whether I would be suitable for the job based on my current experience/skills. This last point is really important as applying for a job can take a great deal of time, and being able to know straight away what my chances are can allow me to put my focus into another listing that I’m more likely to hear back from.

What skills have you developed as a result of taking part in #berlinnovation?

There were lots of important skills developed throughout the challenge, but in particular:

Teamwork and adaptability:

As your team comes from a variety of different backgrounds, you’ll find yourself in a really diverse group made up a wide range of strengths. Being able to cater to these strengths and leverage them is a really important skill to learn and is definitely something you’ll develop during the challenge.

Public speaking:

Each team pitches their ideas to a panel, with the finalists getting up on stage and presenting to the rest of the cohort. Before this challenge I would never have imagined myself being able to do this. However, with the support and knowledge from those involved, I felt confident and ready.  I no longer feel that nervous in a public speaking setting, and that’s without a doubt because of getting this much needed experience.

Time keeping:

The bulk of the challenge takes place over one day. In this time frame you need to plan out your service/product from start to finish, iron out all the smaller details, and then present it. Being able to stick to deadlines, and ‘roll with the punches’ when things went wrong, was really important in ensuring we had a fully fleshed out product to pitch at the end.

If you could sum up your #berlinnovation2024 experience in 3 words what would they be?


Also ‘Currywurst for breakfast’, but that didn’t feel appropriate.

For anybody reading this that's on the fence about taking part in a trip similar to the berlinnovation challenge, just apply for it! You’ll have a great time, you’ll make lots of new friends, and you’ll be really proud of yourself at the end of it.