A letter to first year me: Sarah
Posted on: 23 June 2023 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Sarah is a Class of 2023 BA Communications and Media graduate. Here, she looks back at her time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.
Dear first year me,
You’re probably feeling anxious, excited and curious about what’s to come, truth be told, those feelings don’t go away, but that is what makes the university experience so unique and full of surprises. Every year will be completely different from the last, you will learn so much about yourself and unlock new fears but also new skills, capabilities and potential.
First year will teach you independence. Moving to a city across the country from your small town just 2 weeks after your 18th birthday with complete strangers is bound to be nerve racking, but you will take it in your stride.
Don’t worry about feeling alone because these strangers will soon turn into lifelong friends who you will navigate adult life with, go on to spend your summers travelling with and create core memories with. Although your time will be interrupted by a global pandemic, try not let that take away from the amazing fun-filled semester you did have, and know that every other student is going through the exact same thing.
Second year will teach you discipline. Online learning will not be easy, but it will provide a different experience and a year in Liverpool that you will not forget. Somehow you will muddle through with endless teams calls, daily walks in Sefton park, film nights and games evenings with housemates, you will learn to appreciate the little things and nurture your relationships.
Third year will teach you maturity. The year in industry will be the best thing you ever do for your personal and professional development. You will understand the importance of employability and what it feels like to have real responsibility in a business environment.
Fourth year will teach you balance. Returning to university and managing a harder workload, a part time job, finding a grad job, and keeping up a social life you will have to prioritise and find important time for you, despite the external pressures. This will be the year you fully immerse yourself in uni life, it will be bitter sweet knowing it’s almost over so cherish every moment.
You may feel at times you are taking 2 steps forward 1 step back, but trust me the consistency and hard work will pay off and it will be all worth it. Make the most of what Liverpool has to offer, it will become a place you call home and it will always have a special place in my heart.
The halfway house between being your teen years and being a fully fledged adulthood can be a confusing time, but enjoy it while it lasts, live in the moment and take every opportunity to break out of your comfort zone, you will end up liking it there.
I am so proud of the person you will become.
Love, your future self,
Sarah :)
Keywords: Class of 2023, Career Coach, First Year Me.