A letter to first year me: Rio
Posted on: 10 July 2023 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Rio is a Class of 2023 Business and Management graduate. Here, he looks back at his time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.
A letter to my first-year self
Rio Gill is a Class of 2023 Business Management YINI student. Here, Rio looks back at his time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.
Dear first-year me,
Riooooo! The next 4 years is going to be a madness but you get through it… of course!
A couple things you’re going to have to endure – continuous strikes, mental struggles, losing some loved ones, and a GLOBAL PANDEMIC!! My advice to you right now would be to worry less. Every day you’re worrying about the future and what’s going to be, instead of just living in the moment and enjoying life whilst you’re young.
There is going to be sleepless nights when you are just overthinking everything - your uni assignments, football, getting a placement/grad job after university, saving all your money for a house. And will probably feel like you’re carrying the whole weight of the world on your shoulders and that you can’t share it with anyone. You’re going to feel depressed and anxious at times but that’s okay because we know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Make sure you speak to the people around you to help relieve the stress and worry!
As you already know by now, hard times do not last, and these struggles only make you stronger. You’ve already been through so much to make you as strong as you are today. And the things which are yet to come will just be another chapter in your story which you can write about in 24 years’ time.
On a brighter note, you’ve got so many things to look forward to! You’re going to get a placement AND become a career coach! You’re going to make the UOL football’s first team straight after the trials (shock!). You’re going to graduate from university. And most of all, you’re going to meet so many good people along the way. People who want you to succeed, people who look out for you, and people who see the value which you bring to the table. You’re going to get through. A lad from Liverpool who never ever seen himself going to university, who was called dumb as a kid, and was only viewed as “the guy who plays football” is going to become a graduate from the University of Liverpool in Business Management.
Some top tips for you going forward – trust in your gut, take that hard-working attitude into EVERYTHING you do, and trust in your sauce! I haven’t got many other tips for you because you already know what it is - To the bone!
Last thing, make sure you appreciate every moment you get, and learn from each mistake. The time here is going to change your life for the better. Just wait on it 😉
Keywords: Class of 2023, Career Coach, First Year Me.