A letter to first year me: Abbie
Posted on: 24 June 2021 by Richard Finch in Student experiences

Abbie is a Class of 2021 BSc Theoretical Physics graduate. Here, she looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.
Dear First Year Me,
I know you’re excited and also nervous - but I’m here to reassure you - everything will be fine! I know you’re worried about living at home instead of in halls but honestly, it doesn’t matter one bit - you’ll make the greatest of friends soon that you’ll never have expected, and they really will help you through the whole of university.
First year was tough, so don’t think it will be an easy ride - you’re in a whole new situation, environment, surrounded by so many different people - it’s okay to feel overwhelmed! As you progress through uni, you’ll have some hard decisions to make, related to your course, your relationships and even your living situation, but always remember what Mum used to say: “whatever decision you end up making, it will always be the right one for you”. Follow your heart, and do what you enjoy and you’ll get there in the end.
There will be a few obstacles in your way, and you might think that you can’t shift them, but I’m here to say you can and you will. Don’t give up, and always keep fighting. University is going to be the first time you fail at something and that’s okay. There’s always a solution, and it can always be fixed. You’ll also be faced with so many opportunities whilst at uni, and some of them will change your life, and pave the way for even more opportunities and are a catalyst in where we are today, so grab them with both hands and don’t be scared!
I know at times it feels easy to give up, and resign yourself to thinking you can’t do it. Well, I’m here to say you can do it, and in fact you do do it! We get our final classification and results next week, and graduation at the end of the month. I won’t spoil it for you, but we also have a pretty good “next step” lined up too. Uni will be a rollercoaster, ups and downs, twists and turns, but try to enjoy it as much as you can - we’re only doing this once!
Lots of love,
Keywords: Class of 2021, First Year Me.