Meet the Career Coaches

Career Coaches are trained to help you explore your options, develop new skills, and to practice and perfect your performance.

Meet the team and discover their top tips for starting your employability journey. 

Career Coach 2023/24

Ellis, Psychology

"Utilise all opportunities given to you and get involved; you never know who you may meet or where it may lead you! "

Career Coach

Alicia, Accounting and Finance with year in Industry

"Utilise everything you can to help build up skills and experiences while you’re at university so you have the knowledge and experience to add to your CV so you’re set up to apply for a range of grad roles when the time comes!"

Career Coach 2023/24

Ellie, Chemistry

"Sign up to Handshake to view all opportunities for insight days, internships or placements. Don’t be scared to do a year in industry."

Anna, Veterinary Science

"Try everything! Find out what you like and don’t like to get more of an idea what you want to do."

Career Coach 23/24

Charlotte, History

"Use online resources, There are so many incredible websites and tools available to you as a University of Liverpool student, exploring these may provide you with a career ‘lightbulb moment’!"

Career Coach 2023/24

Charlie, MRes Criminological Research

"Go to careers fairs and uni events! Not only do you get loads of freebies, but you open so many doors to your future and build crucial connections with employers!"

Career Coach 2023/24

Megan, MSc Sports Business and Management

"Take advantage of all the online resources available! There’s so much information available, particularly on Handshake that is a great starting point for your career journey."

Career Coach 2023/24

Justyna, Law with Politics with a Year Abroad

"University is not only ‘a piece of paper’ you get after graduation, but an opportunity to explore, learn, and develop. University has a wide range of societies, clubs, events, fairs, and services as well as a wide network that reaches far outside of your course so use it and see where it can take you."

Career Coach 2023/24

Krish, Business Management

"Join different societies and socialise with everyone! Engaging in such activities can help in developing some key transferrable skills."

Career Coach 2023/24

Phoebe, Music

"Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way! Be proactive and have an open mind - from making friends and joining societies to uni work and job opportunities, nothing is more valuable than putting yourself out there - you’ll only regret the things you don’t do."

Career Coach 2023/24

Finn, Politics and Communications and Media

"Come and visit the Career Studio! Everyone is friendly and it’s the best way to get all the resources to find a job relating to your course."

Career Coach 2023/24

Grace, Communication and Media with a year in Industry

"Try and gain as much experience as possible whether that be in part-time jobs or work experience. "

Career Coach 2023/24

Ellen, Geography

"Follow all the university Instagram accounts, including the careers one. They post lots of resources and information about events that are going on. Go to as many events as you can!"

Career Coach 23/24

Tia, Geography

"Network – you’ll meet so many people and there are always events on, so make the most of it and start building connections early on Dream job: Becoming an environmental lawyer or working in sustainability in general"

Career Coach 2023/24

Nancy, International Relations

"Keep an open mind, go to whatever interests you, and drag your friends along whenever possible."

Career Coach 2023/24

Aidan, Politics

"Sounds obvious but visit the Careers studio! I can’t emphasise enough how a visit will act as a perfect starting point for your employability journey. It’s free, and you don’t need to book, what else could you ask for?"

Marc, Computer Science

"While maintaining good grades is important, don't focus solely on your coursework. Allocate time to develop practical skills and gain relevant experiences that will make you more attractive to employers."

Mazahir, Computer Science

"Network at every opportunity."

Aditi, International Employability Experience Graduate Intern

"A piece of advice for international students is to get involved in activities that enhance your employability. It will help in gaining useful transferable skills and build your CV!"

Career Coach

Ayesha, Business Management

"Avoid comparing yourself to other students or having preconceived notions or judgments about different career paths. Everyone is different so and every career is valid so focus on what interests you!"

Career Coach 2023/24

Sebastian, Finance

"Embrace challenges, stay disciplined, and forge your path with unwavering determination."