AVA Research Fellow CIVIDEC Instrumentation GMBH - Beam Diagnostics and Particle Detection
7-month AVA fellowship vacancy in now open at CIVIDEC Instrumentation Gmbh in cooperation with Vienna University of Technology, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology and the Faculty of Physics.
Role Description:
In collaboration with our current AVA PhD Fellow, you will be investigating the application of a diamond membrane detector for Antimatter research. You will be analysing experimental data, which was taken during beam tests with a prototype detector in 2017-2018 at the AEGIS experiment at CERN. You will be studying the interaction mechanisms of antimatter with matter and will the design an ultra-thin, vacuum compatible diamond membrane detector and the related front-end electronics for antimatter research.
You will gain hands-on experience in detector design, read-out electronics, digital data processing and data analysis. In the course of the program, the fellow will be able to attend international meetings and conferences and will be encouraged to publish their research results. Advanced trainings will be encouraged and supported.
We are looking for an early career researcher with a Master degree in Physics or Electrical Engineering. The H2020 mobility rules require that you have not spent more than 12 months in Austria in the period May 2017 – May 2020.
Prof Erich Griesmayer
Erich Griesmayer founded Cividec Instrumentation gmbh in 2009. It is an R&D company with a big international research network and international customers, including CERN. Cividec is producing turn-key solutions for neutron, x-ray and charged particle beam diagnostics based on CVD diamond in the company headquarter in Vienna. In addition to supporting several PhDs, Cividec is investing a substantial part of its annual turnover into its in-house research activities.
Please send your application and CV to Christina Weiss christina.weiss@cividec.at