AVA Fellow Volodymyr Rodin completes his PhD
AVA Fellow and QUASAR Group member Volodymyr Rodin has recently completed his PhD. In his PhD project, Volodymyr investigated 6D beam dynamics in low energy ion and antiproton storage rings and beamlines. His goal was the realistic description of an experimental setup under consideration of all of the real-world effects ranging from fringe fields, stray fields, space charge, etc. to give an accurate representation of the beam transport and handling in simulation. This required advanced simulations of stored beams, targets, as well as of all magnetic and electrostatic extraction, guiding and imaging fields that are part of each setup. Such a comprehensive simulation suite did not exist before the start of his studies, but is now available and will serve as a template for low energy beam transport studies for years to come.
The optics design resulted in the so-called `startship’ chamber which allows injection from two ion sources, as well as antiprotons from ELENA, into the AEgIS experiment. The addition of the ion sources was an exciting development that opened new areas of research for the AEgIS collaboration.
During his time as a PhD student Volodymyr won the first prize at the Cockcroft Institute Postgraduate Conference in 2019 for presenting his work on beam tracking studies in ELENA transfer lines. He also won the prize for the Best Sustained Contribution in the 2021 Cockcroft Institute Early Career Excellence Awards.
Volodymyr said that the highlights of his time as a PhD student were winning the awards and forming two productive collaborations during my project working on AEgIS and working with staff from TU Wien
Since finishing his PhD studies Volodymyr has moved onto a new project which is a giant leap in terms of particle beam energy. From working on the 100 keV low-energy ELENA machine he has switched to working on the 7 TeV High Luminosity LHC Project. His role in this project is to perform simulations into "beam cleaning", using enhanced collimation systems and channelling in bent crystals.
Congratulations to Volodymyr!