AVA Fellow Interviews – Spotlight on Amit Nanda

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Amit Nanda
Amit Nanda

Now the formal period of the project has come to an end, this is a good moment to look back at the Fellows’ time with AVA. We have asked the Fellows a few questions as part of the AVA Spotlight Interview series; this will give you a more personal insight into their motivation, achievements and outlook. For this interview we have spoken with Amit Nanda who joined the AVA network at Stefan Meyer Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His project focused on the development of a Ramsey type spectrometer to measure the ground state hyperfine structure of antihydrogen

What did attract you to the AVA network? Has it fulfilled your expectations?

"The main attractive feature of AVA for me was the opportunity to work across and together with fundamental research facilities and industries. I am very happy that during my AVA fellowship I got the chance to do so."

Why did you choose to go to Stefan Meyer Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences?

"The project at Stefan Meyer Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences comprised of the complete evolution of an experiment: design, simulations, construction, performing the experiment and analyzing the data. It was this possibility to get trained continuously during the different phases of the project that made me choose Stefan Meyer Institute. Adding to this fact, it was also the location of my host institution: Vienna, which I liked very much."

Can you explain in a few words what your project was about and what have you achieved?

"My project was to develop a Ramsey type spectrometer to measure the ground state hyperfine structure of antihydrogen. Comparison of this measurement against that of hydrogen would be a very precise way of testing the fundamental CPT theorem. The spectrometer along with the coils and shielding were studied in detailed finite element simulations and the design phase was concluded. I gained a lot of experience in radio frequency and electromagnetic simulations. Besides that, due to my involvement with the ASACUSA collaboration at CERN, I can now also make control systems for experiments, work with plasma sources, ultra-high vacuum, and cryogenic systems."

What has AVA provided you professionally?

"The schools and workshops of AVA gave me a very comprehensive understanding of the different aspects of accelerator technologies, beam monitors, novel particle detectors, precision spectroscopy methods, and interfacing machines to an experiment. I had a fantastic time learning from the professionals from industries such as Bergoz Instrumentation, Stahl Electronics and COSYLAB. The outreach activities and participation in each AVA workshop boosted my skills in communicating research to people from scientific and non-scientific background. All the different experiences and skills set I have acquired during my AVA fellowship would enhance my employability in the future."

Can you say something about your next career move?

"I have my personal interests in moving forward towards the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. This is something that is currently inevitable in any field of research. I would be extremely glad if I have an opportunity to contribute to applied research involving artificial intelligence. I am also very open to working on accelerator facilities."

What will be your most cherished memory from AVA?

"It was during mid-January in 2018 that we spent a week at Manchester and worked with Carbon Digital to make a short film about our project network. It was one of the most fun events and one of the very first events where I got to meet and know the other AVA fellows. Working on a script, acting in front of green screen, filming and post processing on the short film was something I would have never thought I would do. I must say it was very fun and interesting to learn something completely different."