AVA member stars in Spark! Podcast on ‘Experimental AI’ at CERN
At the end of last year, we reported on the launch of a new and multidisciplinary science innovation forum and public event called Sparks! Serendipity forum at CERN. The goal of this forum is to foster a new community and develop a platform to spark innovation in issues related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics that are relevant to society, necessary for CERN, and that further CERN’s mission of science for peace.
CERN is the world’s largest particle physics laboratory which acts as a focal point for European physics and technology collaborations. It has a very strong track record as a European training centre and it has great experience in tutoring and mentoring of early stage researchers as well as in the transmission of complementary skills. CERN has been an AVA Partner since the launch of the AVA Network in 2017.
A Podcast Series around the theme ‘Future Intelligence’ is leading up to Sparks! Forum on 17-18 September and a Public Event 18 September, the latter will be webcast live online. Invited participants to the forum will be selected AI professionals, along with neuroscientists, psychologists, philosophers and ethics experts who together will brainstorm solutions, match problems to answers, and prepare some of the content of the second day. The Public Event will consist of a series of short talks and debates about the current and future trends that will define the field of AI and how it will impact our society as we know it. The talks will be given by a number of AI experts participating in the Sparks! forum.
Episode 4 of the Podcast Series titled ‘Experimental AI’ has recently been released and hosts AVA Steering Committee member and Fellow supervisor Michael Doser, who is a seasoned experimental physicist at CERN’s antimatter factory. He is joined by Maurizio Pierini, an innovative experimental physicist implementing AI techniques at the Large Hadron Collider. Together they explore using “unsupervised learning” to reveal nature’s mysteries. To listen to their discussion, tune in here.
AVA Steering Committee member Dr Michael Doser explores using “unsupervised learning” to reveal nature’s mysteries in SPARK! Podcast
Further details, including information about the entire podcast series, can be found here: https://sparks.cern. This website also provides the possibility to re-watch the virtual launch event that took place on 26 November 2020.