Registration for EXA2021 now open

EXotic Atoms (EXA) is a series of international conferences on muonic, pionic, kaonic, and antiprotonic atoms and related topics. It takes place every 3 years and was scheduled to be held in Vienna, Austria, in September 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the conference EXA2021 will now take place as an online meeting from 13-17 September 2021 and is being organised by AVA Partner Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The AVA project is supporting EXA2021 and encourages all of its Fellows and partners to make contributions to this important conference.
The scientific program of EXA2021 comprises the following topics:
- Antihydrogen: CPT and gravity
- Leptonic atoms: QED and gravity
- Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
- Low-energy QCD
- Precision experiments with cold neutrons
- Hadron physics with antiprotons
- Hadron physics at LHC
- Future facilities and instrumentation
Authors of accepted contributions will be given a dedicated break-out room during the conference to meet and discuss their contribution with other participants of the conference. To advertise the papers, the organisers will invite the authors on acceptance of the paper to submit a short teaser video which will be made available to all participants well ahead of the conference.
Plenary talks are scheduled for Monday-Wednesday and Friday. Thursday sees discussions of contributed papers in break-out rooms. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 June 2021 at midday and for registration to the conference this is 31 August 2021.
For registration and abstract submission please follow the instructions on the event’s Indico page.