New Fellow joins AVA
The AVA network welcomes new Fellow Vassilis Vrettakos who has joined the project as a Marie Curie research Fellow earlier this month.
Vassilis studied applied Mathematics at the National Technical University of Athens (Greece). He followed the orientation of mathematical modeling and he obtained his bachelor degree in 2014. He then followed the master courses "Analysis-Modeling-Simulation" of the University Paris - Saclay in Paris (France). He finished his master degree in 2016 on and he did an internship at ENSTA ParisTech where he studied the use of the finite elements method at Maxwell's equations.
At CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH, Vassilis will be analysing experimental data, which was taken during beam tests with a prototype in 2017-18 at the AEGIS experiment at CERN. He will be studying the interaction mechanisms of antimatter with matter and will the design an ultra-thin, vacuum compatible diamond membrane detector and the related front-end electronics for antimatter research.