Cosylab hosted 2 weeks secondment of AVA Fellow Indrajeet Prasad

Cosylab hosted 2 weeks secondment of AVA Fellow Indrajeet Prasad in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Adélaïde Grimaud, AVA Fellow based at Cosylab, is developing a versatile control system that will communicate with the High Precision Power supply being designed and built by Indrajeet at FOTON, s.r.o. in the Czech Republic. Therefore, it was mutually beneficial to work together in order to maximize the research outcomes of both fellows. Secondments and research trainings at various partner institutions are a big part of ITNs (International Training Networks). And once again, such collaborative approach to large research initiatives proved very useful and provided an excellent opportunity for wider learning and knowledge exchange.
The aim of this secondment was to train Indrajeet on how to use Linux and Industrial control system EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System). He was supervised by the Cosylab team and supported by Adelaide with any other every day tasks. During the first week he learned the command language of Linux, how to use different widgets in graphical user interface and he also created an IOC (Input/Output Controller) application on EPICS. Second week focused on communication between the server, control system and devices in EPICS.
This secondment brought two AVA Fellows to work together on a common goal and exchange knowledge to accomplish their interconnected project goals. Adélaïde Grimaud is also planning to reciprocate the visit and do a secondment at Foton lab in near future to test her control system design on High Precision Power supply.
Cosylab provides system integration and customer adapted products and solutions, covering the complete area of control systems and instrumentation. They are specialized in accelerators, both for particle therapy and scientific research, as well as tokamaks and radiotelescopes. The company has received several awards including Best Slovenian Employer in 2015, The Experimental Physics Control Systems (EPCS) Award by the European Physical Society in 2001.