Milena Vujanovic spreads the word about AVA
This summer, AVA Fellow Milena Vujanovic, based at the University of Liverpool, was invited to give an overview talk about her Marie Curie Fellowship and the MSCA ITNs in general at an event organized by the Ministry of Science in Montenegro.
Milena was asked to help organise an “Info day” as well as give a talk about Marie Curie ITNs to a group of students. She related her own experience as AVA Fellow with the wider targets of the MSCA ITN programme, and also explained how students can apply for early career stage positions at institutions across Europe.
STEM students coming from the Western Balkan countries currently face many problems during their studies. This includes the lack of research institutions, insufficient funding, sparse information about career opportunities abroad, and the feat that they might not be good enough to work outside of the Balkan borders. Therefore, the Ministry of Science in Montenegro is investing significant effort to change this and make science careers more attractive.
Several female participants approached Milena after her talk and told her that they saw one of her recent interviews about women in science on TV. They thought it was important to send a strong message about the importance of science and communicate the opportunities for science careers.
After delivering a well-received presentation, Milena was invited to a meeting on the organisation of future events by Dr Branka Zizic, Director General for Innovation and Technological Development. Milena also established a collaboration with the Serbian science promotion centre and she is hoping to work with them in the future.
Milena said: “I am trying very hard to help students from Serbia and Montenegro to become aware of the opportunities they have. So far, I have had very positive feedback and I hope I will be able to help many more students in the future.”
The event participants are now eager to see what Milena will achieve in the coming months. Asked about her thoughts regarding how attracting a prestigious AVA Fellowship has helped her reach so many people, Milena said:
“I am very grateful that I am given a platform which I can use to help students who are going through the same doubts, problems, and challenges I had to face in the past. I am very happy that I have so much support from my country and Ministry of Science.”