Ruhr University Bochum

Contact: James Ritman

The Ruhr University Bochum is located in the metropolitan region of the Ruhrgebiet, in the west of Germany. With 20 faculties it is home to over 43,000 students from over 130 countries. Its Department for Physics and Astronomy participates in big science projects such as CERN and FAIR and for years it has been ranked on one of the first places in the national Centre for Higher Education ranking of all physics faculties.

The central research topic of the Hadron Physics Section at the faculty is the nature of the strong interaction which manifests in the structure of hadrons and their interactions. In order to investigate this field experiments with proton and deutron beams with momenta up to 3.5 GeV/c are preformed at the COSY accelerator in Julich and also with antiproton beams at CERN. For future studies at higher energies the detector system PANDA is prepared for the HESR storage ring at FAIR, where a cooled antiproton beam between 1.5-15 GeV/c will be available. The preparation work of this group focuses on the detector development covering especially Si-microvertex and straw-tube tracking detectors, as well as the development of simulation and analysis methods to evaluate the collected data.
