Visiting scholars

We welcome enquires from international researchers who are interested in working with us for a fixed period of time as Visiting Scholars. We believe that academic visitors can enrich our research profile, contribute to our research environment and our students’ experiences.

We welcome new collaborations from scholars with recognised research expertise in their area which will enrich the environment and research of a particular department. We also encourage applications from scholars with existing research, teaching or other collaborative connections with staff at Liverpool and who would like to strengthen the connection and collaboration.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, within which the School of The Arts sits, has a framework through which individuals, including established scholars, can, depending upon the nature of the project, carry out study and research at the University of Liverpool and participate in the life of the University.

A dedicated School of the Arts team selects Visiting Scholars and helps to ensure that their research experience with us is productive and meaningful.

In order for the School to coordinate the visit and for you to ensure that the relevant visas are in place you should allow plenty of time. We recommend a minimum of 12 weeks for application approval and a further 4 weeks to ensure visas are in place i.e at least 4 months in advance of your intended date of arrival.

Please note that all applicants should hold a doctorate or equivalent.

If you are a PhD student seeking visiting research opportunities please view the Visiting Postgraduate Research Students page.

Further information about each of our departments can be found at the links below.

All applicants should read the Guidance for Visiting Scholars and complete the Visiting Scholars Application Form and send it to the School of the Arts Operations Support Team at If you have questions about the process please contact School Operations Support team on

Applications to SoTA can currently be at any point in the year.


Applications will be assessed based on the following:

• Qualifications (applicants should already hold a doctorate or equivalent in their field)
• Intrinsic academic interest
• Quality of the submitted proposal and its anticipated synergies with the research priorities of the School
• Potential outcomes, such as joint publications and research partnerships
• Interaction proposed in addition to research undertaken
• Contribution to the University’s international research profile

What the School of the Arts offers to Visiting Scholars:

• A Liverpool Academic Contact
• Access to the University of Liverpool library service with borrowing rights
• Access to University of Liverpool Computer Services
• Visiting Scholar profile on the University website (externally facing)
• General access to the University building
• Access to all open School events/lectures

Visiting Scholars are expected to:

• Acknowledge the University of Liverpool in publications/ dissemination activities based on the work they have carried out while at the University.
• Adhere to the University of Liverpool Ethics policies and procedures
• Present a research paper (and could be asked to contribute to a class, collaborative teaching event or workshop)
• Produce a profile detailing their research for the University website prior to arrival


The School of the Arts bench fee for Visiting Scholars is £2000 and should be paid prior to arrival.

Bench fees may be waived in cases where the Visiting Scholars stay is either directly linked to collaborative research activities with School of the Arts academic staff (e.g joint research papers, conference organisation, joint teaching activities) and/or considered a strategic way of enhancing the international research profile of the School/Department. The Dean of the School will need to approve the waiving of fees upon formal Departmental request.


The School of the Arts are unable to support with accommodation and visitors should make their own accommodation arrangements. The University’s accommodation service may be able to provide advice.

Visa procedures

It is the Visiting Scholars responsibility to ensure the correct visa is in place before arrival to the UK. Staff at the University of Liverpool are unable to assist with any visa applications or queries. A visiting Scholar will be required to send a copy of their visa to before an honorary title can be set up and to confirm their insurance is in place.

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