Seminar Room 1 - Gillian Howe House, Liverpool, L7 7EE
Wed 5th June 2024 12:00PM
We are delighted to announce the final InFocus event of the year: Happy Ever After the PhD? We welcome back Dr Rhys Jones (English), Dr Craig Leyland (English), Dr Antoinette McKane (Architecture), Dr Catrin Owen (Communication & Media) and Dr Joanna Straczowski (Philosophy) who successfully completed PhDs in the School of the Arts. Our alumni will be talking frankly about their career paths post-PhD, and taking any questions that current students have in an informal, round-table discussion setting. Over lunch, you will have the opportunity to get top tips from their exciting and richly diverse experiences, reflect on your own prospects, and get valuable insights into what the future may hold after the PhD!
In Focus is a series of workshops especially designed for PGRs aiming at providing insights, guidance, and support with key aspects of your graduate studies in the School of the Arts. It was introduced in direct response to student feedback and is an opportunity to share information and guidance while operating as an open forum for discussion and collaboration among the School’s PGR community, thus enhancing the Schools research culture. In Focus: Happy Ever After the PhD?!responds to student feedback provided through the Development Need Analysis (DNA) process, and SSLC and PGR
Committee meetings.