Launching In Focus, a new series of workshops especially designed for PGRs
aiming at providing insights, guidance, and support with key aspects of your graduate studies in the School of the Arts.
Join us to the first event of the series, In Focus: The PGR Support Fund to find out more about the application process and get advice on how to develop a successful application (next round of applications deadline: 8 April 2022).
In Focus: The PGR Support Fund
31 March 2022 11:00-12:00
Join Zoom Meeting https://liverpool-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/96551981525?pwd=bHNVbHhWYWlQTGlSRlRMWnhnb1NEUT09
Meeting ID: 965 5198 1525
Passcode: 8ERE?NbU
In Focus is introduced in response to student feedback provided during the recent SOTA PGR Internal Periodic Review and is an opportunity to share information and guidance while operating as an open forum for discussion and collaboration among the School’s PGR community.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our students for their most valuable contribution to the IPR process.
For more information please email: pgarts@liverpool.ac.uk
We look forward to welcoming you to the first workshop!
Dr Yiota Vassilopoulou
PGR Director, School of the Arts